
We calculate the spontaneous polarization of periodic solids by so-called Modern Theory of Polarization, namely Berry phase theory. The electric polarization \(\mathbf{P}\) is a modulo a quantum \(e\mathbf{R}/V_{c}\) multi-valued function, corresponding to the following implementation equation:

\[ \mathbf{P} = \frac{-e}{(2\pi)^3} \sum_{n}^{occ} \int_{\text{BZ}} \mathbf{A}_{n}(\mathbf{k}) d^3k, \]

where \(\mathbf{A}_{n}(\mathbf{k})\) is the Berry connection of a single band.


Here, we present an example (located in the examples/PbTiO3 folder) showcasing the calculation of the polarization of PbTiO\(_3\).

The Input file is:

    nspin               1
    package             ABACUS
    fermi_energy        13.38267075814371
    fermi_energy_unit   eV
    HR_route            data-HR-sparse_SPIN0.csr
    SR_route            data-SR-sparse_SPIN0.csr
    rR_route            data-rR-sparse.csr
    HR_unit             Ry
    rR_unit             Bohr

    lattice_constant        7.3699
    lattice_constant_unit   Bohr
    1.0000000000         0.0000000000         0.0000000000
    0.0000000000         1.0000000000         0.0000000000
    0.0000000000         0.0000000000         1.0000000000

    occ_band      22
    nk1           10
    nk2           10
    nk3           10
    atom_type     3
    stru_file     STRU
    valence_e     14 12 6 

occ_band: The number of occupied energy bands of an insulator.

nk1: This refers to the number of samples taken in the \(x\) direction of the reciprocal lattice vector \(\mathbf{G}\).

nk2: This refers to the number of samples taken in the \(y\) direction of the reciprocal lattice vector \(\mathbf{G}\).

nk3: This refers to the number of samples taken in the \(z\) direction of the reciprocal lattice vector \(\mathbf{G}\).

stru_file: Specify the strucutre file. NAOs files are not required.

atom_type: The number of element types in the system.

valence_e: The number of valence electrons per element.

The parameters nk1, nk2, and nk3 correspond to the number of k-points used for the integration in the three lattice directions, and increasing their values leads to a more accurate and convergent result.

After completing the task, polarization.dat appears in the Out/Polarization folder which contains the electric polarization of the three lattice directions.